王艳、陈鸿叶、王得力.2021(4). 民营企业减少合理避税就能获取政府补助吗—企业纳税动机的一种解释.《广东财经大学学报》(CSSCI期刊,三类期刊)
王艳、何竺虔、徐淑芳、罗莉. 2021(5). 控制权转移与”卖方”老股东治理:谁阻碍了管理层留任.《南开管理评论》(二类A期刊)
王艳. 2021.12.3 .全面深化混改、实现共同富裕.《中国社会科学报》(三类)
王艳、陈晓欣、许满丽、郑雅匀. 2021(9).《国资监管背景下的社会责任与企业创新分析》.《广东经济》
Wang, Y., Z. Q. He., Y. G. Shan., and X. Y. Liu. Other Comprehensive Income Reporting and Earnings Management: Evidence from China. 2021.04. Accounting Forum (SSCI二区,一类A期刊)
Wang, Y., H. T. Li., and D. D. Wang. Has Damage from Goodwill Impairment Grown in China? Analysis and Response. 2021.03.China Journal of Accounting Studies (ABS 2星)
Wang, Y., Y. G. Shan., Z. Q. He., and C. H. Zhao. Other Comprehensive Income, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance in China.2021.05. Managerial and Decision Economics(SSCI 4区,二类A期刊)
Wang, Y., Z. Q. He., and J. J. Zheng. Research on the Fairness of MPACC Selection Based on Examiner Heterogeneity. 2021.02. E3S Web of Conferences (EI Compendex, 三类期刊)
Wang, Y., D. Q. Zhao. Research on the Evaluation Index System of Trust, Innovation and M&A Value. 2021.03. International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing, ISAIC 2020 (ISSN: 17426588) Journal of Physics: ( EI Compendex, 三类期刊)
Wang, Y., Z. Q. He. 2021.04. Trust, Innovation and M&A Value: An Empirical Study in China. Procedia Computer Science 187 (2021) 212–217(ISBN: 18770509) ( EI Compendex, 三类期刊)
Wang, Y., Y. Y. Zheng., and D. Q. Zhao. 2021. 08. A Literature Review of Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibilities. ICCEAI (ISBN: 978-1-6654-3960-2) (EI Compendex, 三类期刊)
Wang Yan. 2021.09.《Exploring the Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in M&A of China’s State-owned Enterprises with Mixed Ownership》,《Springer》(一级出版社)